Assalamualaikum and welcome, everyone! This is an official blog of 8th Generation of Bestarians.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

TULISAN DARI Allahyarhamah Nur Hidayah Zaid pada selasa 8 Mei 2012 9.25am di Nota wall phone S2 dia

Mudah-mudahan dapat memberi suntikan perjuangan adik2, kawan-kawan dan semua...

Catatan Arwah ditujukan utk dirinya sendiri sebagai motivasi diri dia.

Di saat yang agak serabut ni, nak ingatkan hidayah zaid beberapa perkara

1. Start utk belajar sungguh dr awal sem.
2. Study dulu before masuk kelas.
3. Buat exercise after belajar.
4. Buka minda, dont focus so much sampai tak faham apa concept besar/sebenar.
5. Before exam, siapkan compilation first. Sambil baca semula mana yg tak faham.
6. Buat simple note everytime before quiz (nnt exam tinggal nak buat latihan je)
7. Make sure after settle buat compilation, go ask lecturers/friends. Tanya yg tak tahu.
8. Doa, doa everytime you solat. You belajar. Jgn nak exam baru doa.
9. Krgkan tidur, Rasulullah s.a.w tidur sekejap, and he was very semangat in every single thing baginda buat.
10. Manage time properly. I know you can make yourself in front of books for hours. Tp put aside things that can distract you (hp, laptop, etc)
11. Rehat is good. Make rehat very useful to let you gain energy.
12. Better study with no music. It more barakah.
13. Share with friends of you know. This will mke you remember better.
14. You study to be a genius so you can give huge help to your deen, Islam.
15. You want to get high score so your parents will be happy and no worry about your study.
They have to worry more to your adik-adik.
16. You dont want to be a burden. So be someone useful to your parents and people around you.

All the best hidayah zaid. May Allah in your mind always. There is nothing you do that is not for Him. For Allah, and Deen. Amin


mudah2an Arwah menjadi contoh yang baik buat semua ...ibunya sangat redha kerana Cinta ALLAH SWT melampaui cinta ibunya. Subhanallah!! ...Syukur Alhamdulillah.

- Cahaya Sham, 5 Oktober 2012

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